Not everyone wants to undergo a surgical procedure as this tends to result in a lengthy recovery period. MINT PDO Nose Threadlifts with Dr Chike provide suitable candidates a non-surgical alternative for those who are seeking excellent results with minimal downtime.
MINT PDO threads are made from absorbable polydioxanone (PDO), a biodegradable suture material that has been safely used for more than 30 years in surgical procedures.
This is safe a procedure that Dr Chike has performed many times. It is relatively quick and no cutting or incisions are involved; local anaesthetic is all that is required for patients to remain comfortable throughout. It is generally very well tolerated and most clients don't find it particularly painful.
The threads integrate into the skin’s tissue and are inserted into the skin via a cannula. The results are instant and many of our patients find they can resume their everyday activities shortly after treatment.
This procedure can change the position of your nose which in turn provides a more contoured look. The nasal bridge and tip can be lifted which creates the illusion of a more petite nose.
No – Dr Chike will inject the area with a local anaesthetic prior to commencing treatment making it completely pain free!
1) Apply SPF30 and avoid direct sunlight and tanning machines in order to prevent Post-
Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation (PIH)
2) Gently wash the treated areas on the same day but do not rub or massage the face for 2
3) Do not open mouth too wide for 3-4 weeks (avoid dental treatment for 3 weeks if possible).
4) A stinging or ‘pulling’ pain or discomfort is normal. Take paracetamol 500mg 1-2 tablets 6-
hourly if required. Avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medication such as Nurofen, because
inflammation is necessary to initiate the new collagen formation process. Nurofen and
similar medication will suppress this process.
5) Avoid alcohol and anti-coagulant medicine (aspirin, unless prescribed for medical
indications) for 7 days.
6) Avoid blood ‘thinning’ vitamins C & E for 7 days
7) Avoid temperature extremes such as saunas or very cold climates for 10 days.
8) Avoid physical exercise for 7 days post procedure.
9) Avoid any heat producing device Radio Frequency (RF), HIFU/Ultherapy or (laser, IPL, etc.)
treatments on the threads treated areas for at least 10 weeks.
10) Anti-inflammatory medication may be taken after 7 days.
The cost of this procedure starts from £700. In order to obtain an exact quote, we would suggest that you arrange a consultation with Dr Chike to discuss your concerns and he will be able to provide an exact quote for you.
A week before your procedure we recommend the following:
1. Avoid alcohol of any kind, as well as smoking. This will help speed your recovery and
provide better treatment results.
2. Stop taking vitamin E, supplements such as Fish Oil, Krill, Garlic, Chili Ginseng, Ginger &
Green teas.
3. Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Naproxen/Naprogesic should be avoided. Inform
Dr. Chike if you are taking any anti-inflammatory medications (e.g. Naproxen)
or blood thinning medication (e.g. Warfarin).
Saw Dr Chike for my nose, as I didn't like the profile. All I can say is wow!!! I look amazing after my non-surgical nose job and I even got my lips done. Would recommend Chike to anyone.
- Emily Joanne
“I originally went to get lip filler,however from the onset Dr Chike advised against it and advised me that cheek fillers would be more beneficial. Though I still got the lip filler,overall It didnt satisfy my concerns. I eventually had the cheek fillers and have been amazed and satisfied at the difference to my face. Its given me the volume, fresh youthful look I have been lacking. I am never disappointed and he knows instinctively what I like and what suits..”
- Shennel Taylor
I have been seeing Dr Chike for many years now and would not go or trust anyone else when it come to fillers and Botox. Results are natural and he will always be truthful on what to do or not. I love the results every time and trust his expertise for life ! Plus he is such a nice man - it is always nice seeing him. Very gentle, pain and bruise free !
- Marion K.
A brilliant experience from start to finish. Dr Chike knew exactly how to get my desired effects for my liquid rhinoplasty, and was confident throughout the entire procedure which helped to put me at ease. He was swift and very skillful. I am very happy with the results and with little to no pain.
He was also a great teacher to the staff member also present.
- Celine Marie
provides cutting edge aesthetic treatments to make you look and feel amazing. Book your callback or consultation today.
Contact us at 0207 118 0145 or email us at drchikeclinics@gmail.com